The book, Tiny Hidden Weed, was a collaboration with Master book binder Britt Stadig, This project involved 20 artists who collaborated with Stadig to produce 20 individual and one of a kind artist books eventually growing into a three part biennial. For my book, I was inspired by Pan's Labyrinth, Struwwelpeter (Slovenly Peter), and Grimm's Fairy Tales.
“20 Collaborations In Book Art made its debut at The Nashville Public Library. The intention of the project was to bring book art to a wider audience and to demonstrate the creative potential within all artists to utilize the book form. Furthermore, the exhibition of work produced used technology to better connect the audience with the works.
Book art is usually limited to one-page spreads and kept under plexiglass. This is the only way to protect the art, but it limits the viewer’s ability to fully experience the book. In the exhibit, each book was photographed and transformed into digital media so that visitors could use their smart phones or tablets to access all pages of each book on exhibit. Amanda McCadams of Digital Wonder Cabinet became the brains and talent behind this part of the project.”
Some of the other artists Britt collaborated with on this project include: #ManuelCuevas, Billy Renkl @artapsu, @mcgee.carrie, Lain York @atomicpork, Fisk University Art Professor Alicia Henry, Vanderbilt Art Professor Jana Harper @missjanda.
Part I
Paul Bock
Tim Brown
Greg Chapman
Claire Hampton
Alicia Henry
Susan Hulme
Jaron Jackson
Melba Williams
Kirk, Rachel Kirk
Damon MacNaught
Amanda McCadams
Carrie McGee
Sue Mulcahy
Britt Stadig
Robert Stadig
Terry Thacker
Scott Thom
Lain York
Mel Ziegler.
Part II
Brian Blas
Elise and Alex Elliot
Alicia Henry
Mark Mosrie
Hans Schmitt-Matzen
Andrew Saftel
Scott Thom
Gillian Welch
Mel Ziegler
Part III
J. Ayers
K. Baldwin
P. Bock
J. Braddock
T. Brown
N. Buchanan
S. Churchill
N. Dantona
A. Diffee
B. Edwards
L., L., and L. Hall
M. Hamilton
C. Hampton
J. Hand
J. Harper
A. Henry
S. Hulme
J. Jackson
C. King
R. Kirk
A. McCadams
C. McGee
M. Mosrie
M. Ogilvie
B. Renkl
A. Saftel
T. Starr
M. K. Starr
Photographs courtesy Mark Mosrie