this is no dream
With the theme of disorientation in mind, I have created paintings culled from three seconds of footage from Rosemary’s Baby of the protagonist anxiously exiting her corrupt doctor's office.
The experiential encounter with time is often a funhouse mirror where some afternoons loom larger than others. Oil painting on canvas can freeze a brief moment. Could this be testament to an obsession? A fervent desire to worship at the altar of a singularly strained and fraught spot of time? “It is the secret wish of all poets to stop time,” observed former Laureate Charles Simic.
Rosemary disintegrates on a monumental scale. This is her anagnorisis - the point in a play when a protagonist recognizes another character's true identity or the true nature of their own circumstances. I meditated upon Mia Farrow as a muse for our cultural moment when conspiracies and fear of them are playing an outsized role in the public consciousness and dark imagination.